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Provider identification pursuant to Article 5 German Act for Telemedia Services (TMG)

Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) - AöR -
Holzmarktstraße 15-17
10179 Berlin
Telefon: 030/19449
Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) is a public law corporation.

Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board: Senator Franziska Giffey
BVG is legally represented by the Board of Management:
Henrik Falk (Chairman)
Dr. Rolf Erfurt, Jenny Zeller-Grothe

VAT ID number: DE 136630263
Register of Companies: HRA 31152 Berlin-Charlottenburg local court


All details and information provided in our websites have been carefully researched and checked. In spite of taking due care, the BVG does not accept any warranty for the information being correct, complete and up to date.

The BVG is not liable for any damage resulting from use of the provided information or for it possibly being incorrect or incomplete, apart from cases involving compensation for injuries to life, limb or health. In the case of any other compensation, the BVG is only liable if the damage resulted from a breach of duty on the part of the BVG, one of its legal representatives or one of its vicarious agents, committed with willful intent or gross negligence.

Links and frames

We do not have any influence on the contents of external third-party websites linked on our websites. Nor can we therefore assume any warranty for these external contents. It is always the corresponding provider or operator of these linked websites who is responsible for the contents; this applies in particular to changes implemented in the linked sites after setting the links. The linked websites were reviewed at the point in time of setting the link for possible and apparent legal infringements. No illegal contents were apparent to us at this point in time. We shall immediately remove the links to sites as soon as we come to know about concrete signs for legal infringements on the linked sites.

Pictures and Videos © BVG, 2021 with the exception of:

Our lines:

Service & Support:

Corporate Ticket:

  • Corporate ticket management portal © Christoph Fugel, BVG


Tourist information:

  • Berlin wall strip © Matthias Müller,
  • Tourist information > Arrival and departure: ID:1215136961
  • ©
  • Tourist information >Arrival and departure > ZOB © Jörg Carstensen, BVG
  • Tourist information > Arrival and departure > BER © Günter Wicker, Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH

Bicycle transportation: