Declaration on the digital accessibility of the new ticket app
Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) is constantly working to make the BVG Ticket App accessible to everyone. There have been, and will continue to be, ongoing consultations with various organisations to further improve the app.
This digital accessibility statement applies to the iOS version of the BVG Ticket App. The BVG Ticket App is also available for Android. Both versions are largely accessible, although there are still some shortcomings.
The respective devices (iPhone and iPad) offer users a wide range of accessibility features and settings in the system preferences (Android and iOS) that can be used to operate the apps.
When was this accessibility statement created?
This statement was created in August 2024.
How accessible is the service?
This application for Android is only partially accessible. It only partially meets the requirements of BITV 2.0. However, work is ongoing to meet these requirements.
Which areas are not accessible?
The following areas are not accessible for the reasons given:
Login required: Access to purchased tickets requires a login. If incorrect or incomplete login details are entered, an error message appears, but it does not clearly indicate which form field was incorrectly filled out.
"Forgot Password" function: The link in the login screen directs to the appropriate form. If the form is submitted empty, a misleading error message appears, asking for a username to be entered.
Eye icon in password field: The eye icon, which allows the password to be viewed, cannot be accessed or operated via the keyboard.
Screen reader compatibility: In several areas of the app, functionality with screen readers is limited, such as incorrect or missing voice output.
Keyboard accessibility: There are issues with operating the app using an external keyboard.
Text enlargement: The ability to enlarge text to 200% is limited in certain areas.
Complex gestures: In one section of the app, a complex gesture is required for navigation. Currently, there is no alternative available.
Language selection: In the login area, the language selection is not correctly output by the screen reader.
Pulsating heart animation: In several areas, there is a continuously pulsating heart animation that cannot be turned off.
Error indication in card input: Errors in entering card information are only indicated by color, with no additional visual or auditory cues.
Landscape mode: Landscape mode is not supported.
Who can you contact with comments or questions about digital accessibility?
Contact for the public authority:
Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) - AöR - Holzmarktstraße-17
Holzmarktstraße 15-17
10179 Berlin, Germany
Phone: 030/19449
Questions or comments about digital accessibility can be sent to A contact form is under development.
Further information can be found on the following page:
Contacting the State Commissioner for Digital Accessibility
If your contact with the public authority has not been successful, you can contact the State Commissioner for Digital Accessibility
Link to the contact form:
More information about the State Commissioner for Digital Accessibility:
Updated: 24 September 2024